Haha, explanation? Well it's simple really, on Thursday we were playing charades and this small extremly sweet boy called Nom was asked to do angry, he runs through the crowd and screams ANGRY!!!!! and then when he realises it he stops on the spot, covers his mouth and get an expression of Oh dear now they're gonna laugh at me. Which we of course did cause it was just too funny to control. It really was funny. Speaking of funny expressions there's another small boy at the center who everyday around lunch time also gets a very funny expression on his face, it's a Oh dear I lost my shoes again, I'm in trouble now... They've solved the problem by just letting him walking barefoot. I so wish you all had the chance to meet these kids who are all just charachters in themselves.
On my way back from the center on Thursday I was struck by two unbelievably contrasting scenes. We drove past two boys walking on the street, one of them tried talking to me (we were driving kinda slowly) the other one was busy breathing in a bag (it took me three months before I had to witness children sniffing glue) and then two blocks down we were driving past the sewage canal with its pitch black water in it and out of it flies a bright white dove, way surreal!
Jen and Gerbrand left on Thursday and Jen won't come back til after Christmas which means that I'lll be going in to the center alone now until the 22nd when I'm gone too. It's a bit weird cause everything just gets so much more Cambodian and real when there are no other westeners around me. Not to mention the fact that I'll be teaching all by myself now as well.. aaaahh! :)
Oh and if you're sitting there thinking poor Ulrika who are stuck in Cambodia, just hold your symphaties for a moment and listen to this.
- So Ulrika what are your plans for the weekend?
- Oh you know, just embassy hopping. Yesterday was the party on the american embassy, Saturday there are no definite plans but then on SUnday there's the party at the Swedish embassy.
How crazy does that sound??? If you would have asked me three years ago if I ever saw myself at an embassy party the answer would have been quite different.... life is truly surreal sometimes. What are your plans for this weekend?
Roger that, over and out.