My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

sleeping with the enemy

Its funny where life takes us and well the way we look at other people. I went over to the US embassy last night to watch a movie with one of the marines and I remember in the beginning I wasn't that interested in them cause they were'nt really the type of people I would consider making friends with, but I've had to re-think this. After spending time with them I see that yeah, they aren't exactly a copy of me but they are sill really nice guys. They are nice, you feel as youre looked after, for example: last night he offered to come back in a tuktuk with me to make sure i arrived home safely), well raised, and just generally nice it feels like. BUT! here comes the twist, he started to show me pictures and then he showed me pictures from Iraq and small videos he had and it hit me. These are the people I have detested for so long, these arethe people who I consider mercenaries for a ludacris government. They've been in Iraq illing 'the bad people' (yep thats the ter they used) and they have pictures of it! It's just outrageous and it made me feel sick to watch and it makes me feel so confused of people and the world... and I also realise that I actually am one f those.... one of those who believe in love peace and understanding....

ouch that was deep, dont worry next time ill be back to my normal cynicism


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