My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Friday, November 24, 2006


I just got my invitation from the embassy to come and celebrate Lucia :D

I'v been noticing this week that I think as we're quickly approaching half way through this project teh kids have now started to trust us in coming back. They are starting to be comfortable around us and it just seems as we have been molded in well. Very nice.

Yesterday evening we went to the riverside and Jenni the new girl ate bugs.... I will not eat bugs it is seriously creepy. I might have tried one if it wasnt for the fact that I havent eaten meat in like 6 years now but still... Its a weord thing seeing all these bugs.

This morning I went on an outreach with Korsang. I think I've told you about it but if not then its an organisation which does clean needle exchange to heroin users. It was pretty full on. We went to four different places and at all of them we saw people sitting there shooting up. That for me was really poverty... I think Im unable to put it down in to words but Ill try to think of it and then write more on how it was.

Its Friday and I feel pretty lost. I keep thinking I have so many appointments this weekend but in fact I have nothing planned. I think I'm gonna go up and cook dinner and then just watch some tv...

Talk to you soon


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