My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

the 411

I think I'm at my fifth or six bowl of musli, that can't be healthy.
I'm trying to finish off my university applications but it's just too difficult, I'm uncapable to do them
(which probably means I shouldn't go to that school)
Also I just keep getting more and more reluctant to the thought of going back to school.
Besides this I have a nasty cough (and head lice it seems) and everyone tells me that I should go to the doctor but do you really go to the doctor for just a cough?
Thats one thing which I think is really cultural. When do you go to the doctor? I think us from the nordic region have a general conception of only going to the doctor when we really need to while as like the Astralians it seems goes to the doctor for just about anything. Weird. Don't really know if I'm in the need of it or not. Anyways.
Today I had the pleasure of having two six year olds at different times telling me that they loved me. The funny thing is that I think this warmed my heart more than anyone ever telling me they loved me.
(most of the kids are between 8 and 12 but there are some that are older and some that are younger, and there are these three 6 year olds that I like in particular cause they just have such a big personality in their small bodies its lovely. so then today we sitting on a swing me, two of the other voulenteers and some of the kids including these six year olds and the boy was sitting trying to do my hair and everytime he had done it he said saat (pretty) but five minutes later he had to re do it and after doing it said saat again... he did this lie twenty times or something and then in the end he just fell donw laughing and said he loved me...
then like ten minutes later one of the other six year olds a girl ran up to me hugged me and said the same thing
I don't think Ive ever been so touched by someone sayign they love me to me before...
i guess im kinda in love with the kids as well in a way....) Just a memory I want to be sure i remember.

I'm so deep in it hey it's bad!

Talk to me!!


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