My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Today has been a very nice day and I just figured out why. Its the first time since I came here that Ive felt content, relaxed and satisfied. All in all just un-edgy. Its a very pleasant feeling I think I might finally starting to settle in and get accustomed to the crazy ways of Cambodia.

I know Im supposed to be here saving the world not caring about wordly things and own vanity but I must say I really miss my wardrobe and the chance to have so much clothes to choose from man I like my wardrobe! Oh well so in the desire of tclothes to wear I went out for a bike ride yesterday in search for normal stores and not markets where you have to haggle and bargain.. too much work.. So I had a very nice trip of abotu an hour but I needed to go up and down the same street twice to find the stores I was looking for (my orientation skills are truly embarrassing) and once in the stores I realised how happy I was that Id only brought like $25 cause the prices of these clothes were definatly meant for westeners and I dont think I would be comfortable spending like $100 dollars on a dress when thats more than many people here make in a year! But they were very pretty, thus I am happy I didnt bring my VISA risking to fall for temptation. Its just such a funny country (like when I went on a moto the other day and we'd decided the price of 3000 riel (about $ 0.75) but when I got of I only had a dollar and he didnt have any change so in the good spirit I said just keep it and my expectation of him was to say thank you and appreciate it, instead he just laughed at me as if saying haha I managed to scam another 1000 from you. Its just sad I really do not see any of the hospitality and friendliness in Cambodia that everyone has told me so much abotu I just see greed)
So to get on.. since I wasnt about to spend $100 on a dress I ended up going to the market and actually got three very nice tops, I'm quite satisfied. The rest of the day I totally chilled just watching TV unable to be bothered by work and when night time came I felt as if it was time to do something and there was a kind of celebration which we'd been invited to and I was prepared to go when the others decided that they were gonna stay in and work (WORK ON A SATURDAY EVENING?!?!! HELLO!)
So one of my goals for myself by going here was to become more independant... I really can not stand my own company Im noticing more and more and Im also seeing how protected Ive been always given help when needed so I am hoping to become more independant by being here..., well yesterday was my first step towards that. (Yes I can very well see how you all are going oh my god how full of herself she is but nevermind that) I went to the party alone and it turned out quite okay home at about one and felt really happy I think thats why im so content today because I managed to take care of myself yesterday and that I managed to make contacts outside the compound... anyways cant quite explain it just a feel good feeling...
Hmm Well I should tell you about Friday as well. Friday morning Jen went to Kep which meant that Gerbrand and I where to teach alone together (however that now works :)) Except that Friday morning he comes down looking rather pale and saying he dont think he can come in... sa here I go from three teachers in one class to one teacher flyign solo! Oh my.. freaking out just a bit (luckily there is another boy from England staying at the center who helps us out so I wasnt completly doing it on my own) up until lunch it all went fine but the second class consisted of five children all very uniterested to learn and just completly not into working with me. then I came home about an hour later than I was supposed to because the van broke down (it does that about three times a week ) so then when I got home I was as if in a coma... I think it was knowing that the responsibility lied on my shoulders... when jen and gerbrand is there I can just laugh at the problems but now it was only me... so yeah.. totally exhausted! But it does feel great to know that I can when there is the need!

but at this moment in time Im feeling rather good about life in Cambodia.

Take care
Jom reap lear


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