My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Hot hot hot

Im sweating like a maniac!!! But besides this Im okay, dont really like getting accustom too the culture, kinda wishing I could just know the culture straight away..dont like being cheated off... and the other voulenteers are well... ineresting... not really y type of ppl.... oh well but the kids are in any case lovely! been there for two days now an on wedensday we will start to teach. i saw one kid who had such big blisters that she could hardly walk... oh my god and they just hang on to you where ever there's an inch to grab on to... very beautiful kids!! if not for anything else but fir thme iim willing to stay!


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