My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


so life goes on as planned, nothing special, nothing really to say...

slept at theas grandma's last night and will probably do so tonight as well which means that i only have to get up for work about 15 minutes before as to earlier an hour before.... feels like college all over again, eating a slice of bread on the go :) swam in the fjord third day in a row, one of theas friends scared me though saying that there is some kind of parasite in the fjord leaving small red marks on you.... euh! anyways.... last night there was thunder and for some reason in the state of mind between awakeness and sleep i was soooo sure that they were planes carrying bombs! I dont know why do... and i dont think i thought that they were gonna bomb us but i remember being sad and scared... probably because its such a horrible world we're living in.... israel bombed un observers yesterday..... isnt that funny....and then lebanon AND hizbollah has reportedly now waved their white flag... israels response? : if we continue for a few more weeks we'll probably go out of this fight as winners.... no hidden agenda there.....


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