My so called year

Well, since I will have the year of my life (hopefully)and since I am so bad at keeping in contact, my sister urged me to start a blog so that you all can get to know what is happening and how I am succeding (or miserably failing) in my attempts to make the world a better place.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

what i have come to realize:

many things.....

1. I'm thinking i should start to carry a small notebook with me were i could write down all the small things i think of wanting to say but theres no one around to listen...

2. I have during these two days of work discovered that i really do not like working... which kinda makes me very pessimistic thinking that I will have no choice but to work for the next coming at least 40 years....

3. I feel very insecure when I start new things which often results in a feeling of incompetence which leads to a feeling of uttermost depression...
(btw i hope i will not turn in to any of the people at the nursery home when I'm their age!- Either they are cranky old ladies or ungrateful males who are too full of testosterone to appreciate when someone is offering to help.... :))

4. I have defined what missing is for me... it is:
having a hole inside you aching everyday, every minute something which constantly there until you learn to live with the pain of it until its no longer pain but just a normality (+ a little more which i will probably go in on a more detailed explanation (since i find it sooo fascinating) some other day when Thea is not waiting for me to finish up so we can watch a movie)

5. Grey's anatomy is totally addictive

6. the media is very biased (as always) in their documentation of the middle eastern conflict....



Blogger :p said...

"uttermost depression" (?!?) verkligen ulrika? ;-) hmmm, låt se, var inte du i Israel nyss och fick lite perspektiv på livet? ;-)

känner igen mig, men tro mig, det kommer bli roligare, mycket roligare att jobba när du faktiskt gör något som du vill och inte behöver vara supertrevlig och springandes hela dagarna. :D

12:45 PM  
Blogger :p said...

-> 21/7: grattis på namnsdagen!

1:07 PM  

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